Saturday, 17 March 2012

Capital Punishment justified or not

Capital Punishment justified or not
It is not against Human dignity rather it is in favor of it
§  Gulbadin Hmy
“Capital punishment or Death Penalty in the age of reformation is uncivilized, barbaric and a medieval concept therefore it should be abolished” this is the justification of almost every abolitionist. Sajad Bazaz (a columnist) recently in his article titled as “Of Capital Punishment” has more or less said the same thing that Death penalty undermines human dignity. The author also said that it is a medieval concept that has no place in a civilized society like ours. I want to ask Bazaz sahib that when a rapist or a murderer rapes a woman or murders an innocent person what honor he holds for such helpless victim-does he not undermines human dignity? Regarding its place in a civilized society, I agree that it has no place in a civilized society but only for civilized people. One who is a rapist or a murderer can we call him as civilized? The answer is big NO because they are the enemies of humanity. I believe Civilized does not mean wearing a suite or talking politely. To me civilization means to live and let live a dignified life, to live with love and to respect each others beingness.
A couple of months ago we were having a debate in Law Society program on the same topic. I happened to be one of the participants’ and to my utter surprise I found most of the boys supporting Death Penalty especially for crimes against women but most of the girls on the other hand were with the abolitionists. I presented my paper more or less as follows:    
As a rule punishability, by and large, depends on the degree of culpability of criminal act. The risk of penalty is the cost of the crime. Capital Punishment or Death Penalty is the highest form of disapproval by the society towards an offence of the offender.
 Let us see if Death Penalty is justified or not:
1.       Abolitionist slogan is, “we kill people to show people that killing people is wrong.”
 First of all, the slogan misses an important point. The death penalty does not punish people for killing, but for murder. Just because two actions result in the same end does not make them equivalent. If it were so, legal incarceration would be equated with kidnapping, self-defense with battery and so on. Therefore, the slogan is better stated, "We execute people to show people that murder is wrong."
2.       In arguments of Death Penalty there are two lives to think about. Too much emphasis is placed on the convicted murderer, the one being executed and the victim is all forgotten.
3.       I wonder about one thing that Death Penalty is given to those whose guilt is not only proved but proved beyond reasonable doubt; for his life everyone speaks but who speaks for the victim-was his life of no value.
4.       Abolitionists argue that by executing the murderer or a rapist you cannot bring the victim back.
If it is so then it is true with all punishments. We punish the guilty not to restore the guilt but to do justice. Punishment is the disapproval and resentment by the society for a deserving criminal.
5.       The motive for Death Penalty may indeed include vengeance which is compensatory and reparatory satisfaction for an injured party, group or society.
When regulated and controlled by law, vengeance is also socially useful. Vengeance solidifies social solidarity against law-breakers and probably is the only alternative to the disruptive private revenge of those who feel harmed.
6.       Abolitionists argue that innocents are being executed. This is no argument against Death Penalty itself rather it may be an argument against the criminal justice system.
7.       Death Penalty is justified by Divine also. Almost all major religions prescribe Death Penalty for many crimes, for example Islam prescribes it for adultery or murder(subjected to certain conditions).
8.       What punishment you have for habitual and hardened criminals other than Death Penalty.
9.       We justify Death Penalty when we are victims but when we are the culprits we oppose it.
Ajmal Kasab in India and Sarabjeet Singh in Pakistan are live examples. For the former we demand Death Penalty but for later we say it is barbaric. (Singh is to Pakistan what Kasab is to India).
10.   For reformation if a murderer or a rapist behaves well in prison we say he has reformed, he has now realized that what he did was wrong.
Does this erase his guilt-of course not. He is to be given what he opted to and risked for, by taking away my life you offer yours. Abolitionists also argue that when you cannot give life then how can you take it. Is this also not applicable to a murderer or a rapist? He kills the victim without being able to give him life. If he does so then what is his life for.
11.   The primary purpose of Death Penalty is to punish the Culprit. Deterrence is secondary purpose e.g., a thief is given 3 years of imprisonment for theft, is this imprisonment for his act i.e. theft or for the deterrence of others. The answer is it is for both-firstly it is for his conduct and secondly it is also to deter others not to indulge in such an act. If it deter others (which it of course does) well and good even if it doesn’t then still you are punishing a guilty and a deserving person not an innocent. If this deterrence would be made the only yardstick then by analogy it would mean that Indian Penal Code should be abolished as it has no deterrent effect because crime rate in India is day by day increasing.
12.   You see statistics about how many still committed crime even when Capital Punishment was there, but what statistics you have about those who are actually deterred by it.  
13.    Even if you give such offenders life imprisonment, still ends of justice are not met because first they are an undue burden to state exchequer and second you are punishing thousands of innocents including the victims by making them to pay for the maintenance of such offenders by ways like taxes etc.
14.    Abolitionists also argue that the offender gets no chance of reformation. I want to tell them that what opportunity had he given to the victim who even is not given the chance to prove his/her behalf. 

Now, please I am sorry if I hurt anybody, how many of you, especially who want Death Penalty abolished will let me enjoy my life even in prison if I kill your father or brother.
Let me end my arguments with a quote of John McAdams

"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call."
                                                        BALLB. 6th Sim.
                                                                                    Kashmir University.

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